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A Guide for Parents and Educators

Helping Students Overcome Mental Health Challenges

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Partners in Education and Mental Health

At Compass Health Center, we are committed to promoting mental health and education in collaboration with our school partners and families. Our comprehensive resources and mental health programs, empowering parents and educators with the support they need to help students, especially those facing school anxiety or refusal.
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Getting Support During the School Year

Seeking help for young people during the school year can feel overwhelming. However, finding the right program is crucial—one that provides exceptional care with long-lasting impact.  That’s where Compass Health Center comes in.

With parental consent, our dedicated teams keep parents and educators informed every step of the way during a student's time in our programs, with consistent communication from admission through discharge. Our group rooms are intentionally designed to model classroom settings, providing the opportunity for students to tackle challenges and apply new skills in meaningful ways that will translate into the classroom when they transition back to school. You can also expect:
Masters-Level Support: Our team boasts masters-level educators who customize learning experiences, ensuring consistent academic growth.
Study Sessions: Daily sessions foster strong study habits, executive functioning skills, time management, and self-reliance, enhancing academic prowess and providing opportunities for students to catch up or keep up with work.
Return to School Plan: We schedule a collaborative meeting with school and Compass Health Center staff, families, and sometimes students, ensuring a smooth reintegration into school life. 
Family Therapy: Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in supporting students in treatment and as they transition back to school. Sessions focus on helping parents navigate these challenges and support families as resources and partners.
Progress Tracking: Receive regular insights into the student's progress, aiding joint efforts to optimize their social, emotional and academic growth.
Comprehensive Approach: Beyond academics, we prioritize emotional intelligence, resilience, and overall mental well-being through various evidence-based therapeutic modalities and psychiatric care.
Ongoing School Support: Our engagement with partner schools ensures lasting positive change, benefiting both individual students, their families, and broader school systems.
At Compass Health Center, we’re committed to supporting you and your child on the path to improved mental health. Each of our programs is intentionally designed to help enhance your child’s quality of life, equipping them with the tools to cope and overcome mental health challenges. With a team of dedicated professionals, we aim to be a trusted partner in your child’s journey toward a brighter, mentally healthier future.

Concerned About a Student? Learn When to Refer

Knowing when to refer a student for mental health support can be challenging. Understanding the signs and symptoms of anxiety or other concerns is crucial for both parents and educators. This section will guide you in recognizing when a referral to a program like Compass Health Center may be beneficial, ensuring that students receive the immediate support they need to thrive academically and emotionally.

  • Students experiencing frequent or chronic absences, tardiness, or increasingly seeking support from school clinicians

  • Students reporting self-harm actions or urges 

  • Students reporting suicidal ideation or when there are concerns about safety

  • Students who were recently psychiatrically hospitalized 

  • Students with co-occurring disorders or symptoms that would benefit from an all-encompassing, multidisciplinary approach

  • Students who need more support than what is traditionally offered in outpatient therapy, such as requiring multiple treatment modalities (psychiatry, group therapy, individual therapy, and family therapy) in one program

  • Students who are not functioning in their daily lives at home, work, or school 

  • Students in need of expedited medication changes within the context of comprehensive treatment

  • Virtual: Students who lack access to high quality, evidence-based comprehensive Behavioral health care in their communities

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Professional Development Opportunities

At Compass Health Center, we offer Professional Development to schools, universities, colleges, and community partners. On this page, you will find an overview of the type of PDs we offer, and the process of participating.

What Does Professional Development Look Like at Compass Health Center?

PDs can be individualized, while we prefer virtual platforms, in-person PDs are available with adequate Leadtime. 

Past Professional Development Topics Include:

  • Anxiety and Depression 101 and Skills to Help Manage Emotions 
  • Trauma Informed Instruction
  • When Do I know my Family is in Crisis and How to Get Help
  • Self-Care and Wellness

Upcoming Events

Understanding & Treating School Anxiety and Refusal | 2 Credit CE Webinar

September 10, 2024
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm CST
Register Now

Child Behavioral and Emotional Dysregulation: Approaches in Treatment and Understanding | 1.5 Credit CE Webinar

October 1, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm CST
Register Now
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Additional Access & Insights

We provide a range of resources curated by our experienced team:

We provide a range of resources curated by our experienced team:

School refusal can be characterized by a child’s consistent reluctance or refusal to attend school due to emotional distress. Unlike school truancy, which is often characterized by a lack of interest in school and is done without parental knowledge, school refusal involves significant anxiety, difficulty and distress, with parents usually aware of their child’s struggle. Recognizing and understanding the underlying causes and knowing how to support your child through this challenging period is crucial for their well-being and academic success.

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Mental Health and Substance Use: Q & A Featuring Compass Psychiatrist and Addiction Specialist Deepali Gershan, MD

Gain valuable insights from Dr. Deepali Gershan, Compass Psychiatrist and Addiction Specialist, as she shares her expertise on the nuanced topic of mental health and substance use. In this blog, we delve into the complexities of this important subject, exploring its significance and receiving valuable perspectives from an experienced professional.

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Family Action Network Presents, Leslie Brankin, Anna Finis, and Toni Boos: Understanding and Treating School Anxiety and Refusal

On February 15, 2023, The Family Action Network (FAN) presented the event, "Understanding and Treating School Anxiety and Refusal," a conversation with Leslie Brankin, Psy.D., and Anna Finis, Psy.D., moderated by Toni Boos, Psy.D. This presentation provided an overview of school anxiety and refusal to help families understand its various presentations, potential causes and functions of refusal behavior, and strategies for supporting youth and young adults in getting to school more consistently.

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How Do I Know Which Type of Mental Health Treatment is Right for Me? | A Clinician’s Guide to Understanding Levels of Care

Mental health care is not a one-size-fits-all system. Multiple levels of care and treatment modalities are available to meet a variety of strengths, needs, and preferences. With the large number and potential combination of options available for care, it can feel overwhelming. However, understanding the continuum of care and the treatment types involved can also engender a sense of hope and empowerment that there are effective options available for everyone.

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