Area of Focus

Resource & Job Readiness

Compass Health Center's Resource & Job Readiness services are aimed at supporting individuals within some of our Young Adult and Adult programs with navigation transitions, strengthening executive functioning skills, connecting patients to supports, and empowering them to add structure and meaning to their daily lives.

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What is Resource & Job Readiness? - Compass Health Center

What is Resource & Job Readiness?

If you and your treatment team decide, you will be paired with a resource therapist who will partner with you and your treatment team to identify your specific needs in creating or maintaining structure outside of Compass. Our team of dedicated resource therapists utilize motivational interviewing techniques as well as several concepts from our core evidence-based therapies to support you in making progress on your goals. Our ultimate hope is that patients who engage in this supportive, individualized service feel empowered to tackle challenges that have felt too difficult in the past and gain the executive functioning skills necessary to better manage their daily lives.

  • Paying attention
  • Organizing and planning
  • Starting tasks and staying focused on them
  • Managing emotions
  • Keeping track of what you’re doing

Types of Executive Function - Compass Health Center

Types of Executive Function

  • Attentional control: Concentration, focus, and attentiveness
  • Cognitive flexibility: Switching mental tasks, thinking about multiple things at once
  • Cognitive inhibition: Ignoring information that is not important
  • Inhibitory control: Acting appropriately in certain situations, ignoring impulses
  • Working memory: Keeping other thoughts in the back of your mind while performing tasks or engaging in conversation

Reasons Why These Skills Are Important in Mental Health Treatment - Compass Health Center

Reasons Why These Skills Are Important in Mental Health Treatment

Mental health symptoms can inhibit an individual’s job readiness and executive functioning skills. When an individual has trouble with executive function skills, they may struggle with different areas of life, including school, work, and relationships. Difficulties with executive function skills can impact one’s ability to follow through with planning, prioritizing, organizing, paying attention to details, memory retention, and controlling emotional reactions.

How Resource & Job Readiness Services Integrate Into Compass Programming - Compass Health Center

How Resource & Job Readiness Services Integrate Into Compass Programming

Offered to individuals in some of the programs for Compass’s Young Adult and Adult patients Mood & Anxiety PHP/IOP programs, resource services provide multifaceted treatment for those who struggle to follow through with academic, professional, or social commitments. Resource therapists work with patients to develop an individualized resource plan. Plans could include goals related to school, work, volunteering, recreational activities, discharge planning, and more. Resource sessions help individuals identify barriers to achieving their goals and apply the skills learned in group therapy to continue moving forward.


Resource support is available within Over 18 programming and includes individual weekly time with a clinician who specializes in supporting avenues for structure, such as job readiness, volunteering, and post-secondary reengagement (to name a few), as well as skills coaching to support these steps. Resource support can also target engaging in hobbies, helpful routines, and building social activities. For example, Resource support can be used for job searching and the steps needed, such as resume work and using skills to complete reasonable steps, such as submitting applications, accessing support, and self-accountability support.

The Resource therapist assigned to your care with do an initial assessment to understand your goals. This first step ensures this support targets your needs. For example, if the support requested is help finding a job, you and your Resource therapist will discuss specific goals and current barriers that are active and making this goal currently difficult to achieve. From there, you and your Resource therapist will develop a tailored plan which is also related to your overall treatment plan goals as well. This ensures continuity of care, as the Resource therapist is a member of your treatment team.

The vast majority of patients referred to Resource are active in the IOP level of care, as Resource is a treatment avenue that practices a lot of skill integration and preparation for structure post-discharge. Each patient has a different length of stay, and on average Resource support is recommended to be between 3 and 8 total sessions.

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Our Success Stories

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Compass saved my life! I came into Compass with suicidal ideations and no hope. After a couple of weeks of being in the program, I did not have those thoughts anymore. Compass helped me change my mindset, from a negative pattern of thoughts to a more positive and optimistic frame of mind.

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My child is leaving Compass more equipped to handle her emotions, her anxiety, her depression, and the things that all trigger these. She is willing to use the skills, which is a huge change, and this is all due to how well Compass worked for her.

Parent of Child Patient
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I liked how in Compass, everyone was respectful of my opinions, pronouns, and preferred name. There was no judging, and you can open up to people. I also like how I can relate to other kids. I also really appreciate learning new skills.

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Compass is a godsend. An amazing program for children who are struggling and families who are seeking help and guidance. I could not imagine that she would be so much better in less than 2 months. I wish we could have found Compass without going to the ER. Thanks for all you do!

Parent of Child Patient
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The evening IOP program challenged me in a supportive and respectful way to help change my way of thinking. Compass provided me with the tools to help deal with life situations in a healthy way.

Adult Patient
Service Areas

In-Person and Virtual Mental Health Services for Illinois & Maryland Residents