Physical Illness Precautions

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Compass Health Center Updates

Compass Health Center offers in-person care alongside a comprehensive plan that follows the CDC and State Department precautions. Compass continually monitors the latest respiratory and illness advisories, especially during peak seasons. Our comprehensive procedures are outlined below to ensure the safest environment for patients and staff.

Compass Health Center offers our same evidence-based group therapy for all age-based programs where individuals learn skills, connect with peers, and effectively manage symptoms.

Expanded Spaces for Care

  • 48 group rooms (up to 800 sq ft each)
  • 12 entrances
  • 8 waiting rooms
  • 130,000 sq. ft. of available space
  • 200 individual offices

Enhanced Safety Precautions

  • Staff, patient, and visitor self-reporting of symptoms 
  • Recovery guidance for positive cases
  • Optional Masking (face mask available)
  • Extended nursing support available
  • Enhanced daily cleaning protocols

Mental Health Assessments

  • Compass offers both in-person and virtual mental health assessments and evaluations as requested.

Virtual Programming Available

Compass Health Center provides virtual treatment to individuals who may fall under the following categories:

  • Quarantined (active or preventative)
  • Immunocompromised
  • Caring for children or others
  • Evening and weekend support
  • Geographical constraints
  • Convenience/scheduling purposes due to time constraints

Infection Control Guidelines

  • Masking is OPTIONAL (this includes all persons regardless of vaccination/booster status.)
  • Patients should notify Compass staff if they are in need of a face covering during the day.
  • Surgical masks are available at the front offices.
  • Discard disposable masks in the trash.
  • Face covering should fit snugly but comfortably against the face.
  • If you choose to mask, valve/vented masks are discouraged as they allow virus particles to be inhaled and exhaled through the opening.
  • When applying or removing face cover: perform hand hygiene, hold ties or elastics, avoid touching face or the front of the face covering
  • While eating, face coverings should be removed by the straps and placed in a paper bag that will be provided.

  • Perform hand hygiene frequently, especially after eating, touching a common surface, using the restroom, touching your mask, coughing, sneezing, or directly interacting with a patient or staff member.
  • Hand hygiene can be performed by washing hands or using hand sanitizer. Washing hands is preferred but hand sanitizer can be used when soap and water are not available.
  • Please use the provided hand sanitizer throughout the day.
  • If you choose to mask, during mealtimes when masks will be removed, perform hand hygiene with hand sanitizer before removing your mask and before putting your mask back on after you are done eating.
  • To use hand sanitizer correctly, rub all surfaces of hands for 20 seconds. Let your hands air dry completely.

  • No-touch door handles and no-touch trash cans have been installed throughout Compass’s facilities.
  • Avoid touching shared objects/surfaces.

  • Water refill stations remain open and everyone is encouraged to bring their own water bottle to refill throughout the day.

  • All Compass Health Center patients and visitors must self-monitor their health before reporting onsite. Your arrival to onsite is your attestation that you have completed a self-health screen at home to find yourself fever free and able to participate in onsite services.
  • Temperature Check: fever is considered 100ºF or higher 
  • Self-Monitoring: New or worsening symptoms may be indicative of an illness or infection. You are advised to consult with your primary care provider for further evaluation if you experience any of the following symptoms:
    • Fever (≥ 100ºF)
    • Chills
    • Cough
    • Congestion or runny nose
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • Sore throat
    • New loss of taste or smell
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Rash or skin changes
  • Hand sanitizer will be available at all entrances for use before entering the building.
  • Contact Compass nursing if you have been given specific recovery guidelines from your treating provider.

  • Medical team wears appropriate PPE when medically assessing patients.

  • Compass Health Center’s professional cleaning service has been disinfecting its facilities every evening and will continue to do so. It is important to understand the parameters that the cleaning crew will be following so everyone can feel confident about the environment.
  • Professional cleaners will clean and disinfect frequently touched hard surfaces, per CDC determined cleaning schedule, OSHA rules, and Compass’s guidance.
  • In addition to professional nightly cleaning and disinfecting, cleaning of high touch areas will occur throughout the day by infection control personnel.
  • Staff have access to infection control supplies to keep our treatment care areas clean and disinfect work areas when needed.

  • Patients who are unable to attend program due to ill-health are asked to call the front office.
  • If you develop a fever (100ºF or higher), stay home until at least 24 hours have passed with a temperature below 99.9º F without the use of fever reducing medications (i.e. Tylenol, Ibuprofen)

  • Notify a Compass Health Center staff member if you are feeling unwell. The nursing team will meet with you to assess and provide care.

  • Contact Compass Health Center nursing if you have been given specific recovery guidelines from your treating provider.
  • If you have received a diagnosis for an infectious condition, you may be asked to provide medical documentation or follow specific guidelines to return onsite (i.e. waiting 24 hours if antibiotics were prescribed before returning onsite).

  • Contact Compass Health Center nursing if you have been given specific recovery guidelines from your treating provider.
  • If you have received a diagnosis for an infectious condition, you may be asked to provide medical documentation or follow specific guidelines to return on-site (i.e. waiting 24 hours if antibiotics were
    prescribed before returning onsite).
  • If you have a suspected OR confirmed respiratory infection, you can go back to your normal activities (including
    returning on-site) when, for at least 24 hours, BOTH are true:

    • Your symptoms are getting better overall AND
    • You have not had a fever
    • Acceptable temperature is below 99.9º F without the use of fever reducing medications (i.e. Tylenol, Ibuprofen)

Wearing a face mask when around others is recommended for individuals who:

  • Have suspected or confirmed respiratory infection (e.g., those with runny nose, cough, sneeze), for 5 days after testing positive (asymptomatic) or when symptoms developed.
  • If you must travel, wear a well-fitting mask when you are around others for the entire duration of travel.
    If you are unable to wear a mask, you should not travel during the 5 days after your positive test.
    If you develop any new or worsening symptoms, please contact your primary care physician.
    Go to your nearest emergency room with life-threatening symptoms.


Compass Health Center strongly advises to remain in accordance with the CDC COVID-19 Community Level and abide by all remaining federal, state, and local safety measures guidance regarding masking, quarantining, and testing.